A few words

About Us

our story

Our story....

Life is a journey with both ups and downs and we all need encouragement, wisdom, answers to help navigate us through this journey!

I'm sure you agree, we get to live this life just once.
So we have a choice everyday to choose what we do and don't, so i'd say choose wisely.

CHOOSE What? choose positive, choose wisdom, choose what is good .
But why? So one day you will look back on life and not see the poor choices you made or that you did well,
by what the world defines success as,
or chased after mere materialistic things
how you chose to do what is RIGHT in this journey called life!
but Everything doesn't end with this life, we also choose wisely bcz we know better, we have the hope of eternity in Christ.
NOW QUESTION IS HOW to do it right?


The answer to all this lies in this amazing book the Bible, Let us help you find ENCOURAGEMENT, WISDOM and ANSWERS to help navigate you through this life journey the right way making the right choices, not to mention in light for our eternity which is our living hope!.

   I’m Dr.Hepsheba Livingston. I’m a strong believer in Jesus Christ, a wife of a lovely handsome amazing person David. He is a self employed Business man, worship leader at our local church and plays the guitar. Me on the other hand I’m an ER doctor by profession but now have transitioned into a stay at home mom to focus on raising a family. My heart is content to serve God through serving his people in whatever measure or capacity i can. My main and only humble goal is to help point people to Jesus Christ.     

We live in the suburbs of Southeast Buffalo, New York, tucked away in a beautiful house surrounded by scenic views filled with tranquility. We love sunsets, taking pictures, making memories, having deep conversations/devotions over breakfast, worshiping/ singing together, trying out new things or learning anything new, home decor, fashion(the last two is mostly just me lol). 

We also love travelling, exploring new places, food and cultures.

We both are follower’s of Jesus Christ. Part of the local church community and serve in the worship team. We are open to serving the lord in any capacity and for now we believe it is here!  

We both were fortunate to be born and raised in Christian families,  So we have known the bible and heard from it all our life but truly had a heart transformation and sincerely started following the Lord much later with more passion than ever, being more consistent in our Quite times with the Lord has lead us to thinking, hearing and learning in more depth specially from his word. 

Attending bible studies and pursuing to know his word with a deeper desire has helped us and we would like to share with others the word of knowledge which he has blessed us with and continues to. This is free for all his children according to his word in James 1:5, If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him, it clearly states to ALL who ask it shall be given. 

We also have our personal life testimonies which we have experienced in our single-hood as well as in our journey into marriage and we can’t help but testify to the world, first to give God the glory. Second to share the lessons we believe God was teaching us during those tough times alongside allowing us to experience him and know him better. Thirdly to encourage others to continue to pursue this God because we serve a Miracle working God, there is nothing impossible for him Luke 1:37. In short we are ordinary people talking about our Supernatural God.

 So whether your new to studying the bible or in a dry season or growing, we want to help you build a deeper connection with the lord with valuable resources from God’s word.

Come join us

In the midst of this generation which hails mediocrity, lets live a life set apart holy, fulfilling God's will, being Victorious, choosing to say no to the things of this world and living a life that is truly transformed, beautiful inside out according to the bible. Romans 1:2 Be NOT conformed to this world but be Transformed by the renewing of your mind so we can test and discern to live a holy, acceptable and in the perfect will of God.